
Wrathborne Champions

Created by Randover Games - Wrathborne Champions

A fully cooperative fantasy game where 2-6 players of any skill level work together to battle massive enemies.

Latest Updates from Our Project:

Print -N-Play Production!
almost 5 years ago – Thu, Jul 25, 2019 at 12:31:34 AM

After many hours of slicing and splicing, I am pleased to report that the final Print and Play files have been completed!

It is cliche that a picture is worth a thousand words, but the side by side images of Wrathborne's final form have a powerful impact on our lil team.  I am extremely proud of this project, and I hope you are as well. 

Minion of Wrath Boards: Before and After
Minion of Wrath Boards: Before and After

 Each of these images represent so many laughs, tears, and probably a few obscenities.

Battle Deck Cards: Before and After
Battle Deck Cards: Before and After

So many challenges.

Weapon Cards: Before and After
Weapon Cards: Before and After

 So many changes. 

And you've been with us for all of it. 


Instructions on accessing the print and play files for Wrathborne Champions is below. Please forgive a bit of legalese first... 

I tried to make the fine print as fine as possible...sorry for the wall of text.
I tried to make the fine print as fine as possible...sorry for the wall of text.

By accessing, downloading, opening, and/or printing any files directly or indirectly associated with Wrathborne Champions and Randover Games, you expressly agree to the following terms:


Randover Games, LLC ("RDG")is pleased to grant you, as a backer of this Kickstarter campaign, a nonexclusive, nontransferable, revocable, limited license to access and use of the Wrathborne Champions print and play files (the "Materials") as indicated below in accordance with these Terms of Use and any specific terms and conditions that may be posted in connection with the Materials. In the event of any conflict between these Terms of Use and any such specific terms and conditions applicable to particular Materials, the latter shall govern. RDG may terminate this permission at any time for any reason and, in any such case, any data or information that you provided may be deleted without notice to you.

The Materials are only for your personal use, and are not for commercial use or exploitation (for example, by resale to others or by republication to the public) in any way. You may not use the Materials in any way that harms Randover Games, LLC our affiliates, members, or other representatives, our participating users, or any other third party. You may not use or otherwise export or re-export the Materials in violation of the export control laws and regulations of the United States of America. Any unauthorized use of the Materials is prohibited.

Nothing in these Terms of Use or in the terms and conditions relating to any applicable licensing or other service should be construed as conferring upon you any copyright or other intellectual property license or right (whether by implication, estoppel or otherwise). You agree that the Materials are protected by applicable copyrights, trademarks, service marks, patents or other proprietary rights and laws, all of which belong to Randover Games, LLC.


You know we have worked diligently for a very long time to create this game and all of the assets associated with this project. Please respect our ownership rights, and do not ruin the print and play experience for the rest of our community.

The Wrathborne Champion print and play files are available at the following address:

What's Next?

We've got a post-printing update coming very soon! I just need to survive my day job this week so I can prepare the announcement properly. 

Quick Clarification: Credit Cards and Address Updates
almost 5 years ago – Tue, Jul 16, 2019 at 02:22:41 AM

Evening, All, 

I want to apologize for the confusion on yesterday's post, and felt it was just best to post a new update rather than have a response get lost in a comment thread. 

Credit Card Charges

The August 15th deadline ONLY applies to backers that requested additional items outside of Kickstarter directly via BackerKit survey and any pre-orders that took place after the campaign's end. NO additional charges will be made to backers who supported the project during the live kickstarter campaign. 

Address Updates

You can still update your shipping address using your BackerKit survey by inputting your email here.  BackerKit will send you an email providing a direct link to your pledge. 

It looks like this!
It looks like this!

This page will allow you to update your shipping information. 

I will post a formal deadline for shipping updates once we have more details from our manufacturer. We want to keep this feature open as long as possible to ensure the most accurate information. 

Addresses will not be locked before August 31st!

Again, I am sorry about the confusion on this matter. My thanks to each of you for your questions, and for being wonderful folks!

Cheers and Best Wishes, 

Angie "Pantics" Stiers

Short and Sweet on a Sunday
almost 5 years ago – Mon, Jul 15, 2019 at 01:50:44 AM

Happy Sunday to the best backers on Kickstarter! 

We are in the process of finalizing items and payment details for the Wrathborne Champions campaign. FINALLY!!!!  Now we are deciphering how many of what needs to go where. Simple enough, right?    

Please verify any order details for this campaign via backerkit. I want to ensure I have correct items, payment information, shipping addresses, etc. so fulfillment goes as smoothly and as quickly as possible. 

Backerkit will charge credit cards on August 15, 2019

Please make any updates to your account to ensure a smooth fulfillment!
Please make any updates to your account to ensure a smooth fulfillment!


We are waiting for a manufacturer update on the post-production of the print run, but I expect we'll hear back from them very soon. Ad Magic has been as incredible as each of you during this process, and I have 100% confidence in their professionalism and customer service. I'll have an update on this soon with our estimated shipment times to our stateside fulfillment locations and our international contacts over at GameQuest.  

Shipment details will follow as soon as I actually have them!
Shipment details will follow as soon as I actually have them!

I am also happy to report that my computer is again fully functional, and I now have the ability to finalize your print and play files. I need to verify a few file specs with Ben, but the print and play of the completed assets is top priority THIS WEEK. 

We will provide a secure link with all of the final files for your personal use as soon as they are ready.
We will provide a secure link with all of the final files for your personal use as soon as they are ready.

Thank you again to each of you for your support, your encouragement, and your kindness.  Please do not hesitate to contact me with any questions or feedback.

Cheers and Game on,  

Angela (and Ben) Stiers

What's in the box?
almost 5 years ago – Wed, May 29, 2019 at 12:39:48 AM

Greetings and salutations, Lovelies!

Pantics here, hoping this update finds you well after a long and relaxing holiday weekend.  This is going to be a short and sweet update, at least text wise...

As promised, Ben and I successfully recorded the unpacking of the factory's print sample for your Wrathborne Champions. This was a 70% print run to check the overall quality of the game's materials and the box/custom insert design. 

Without Further Ado!
Without Further Ado!

And because I'm super professional, all time experienced camera lady #1 and nudged a button halfway's the second part. :-/


Ben and I have a few things to double check with our manufacturer on the rulebook, but I must say, it's wonderful to feel that box in hand and see your game becoming reality!

I'm also coordinating with our graphic designer on the individual file assets to begin work on the promised Print-And-Play for all of you. The print sample was a huge hurdle for this project and I wanted to focus our efforts on keeping the manufacturing moving. 

Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.
Thank you. Thank you. Thank you. Thank you.

We are extremely happy with how the sample came out, and are very much looking forward to finally delivering your game to YOU!

Cheers and Game on, 

Randover Games

All the Pretty Pictures
almost 5 years ago – Sun, May 19, 2019 at 01:39:27 AM

Happy Saturday, everyone!

Following some great suggestions, I wanted to properly post a copy of the item sheet that we were missing for the printing press for your enjoyment. I'm very proud of how these items turned out, and doubly excited that the image files actually took this time!

Anxiety levels...fading?
Anxiety levels...fading?

It's about time! What's next?

I am also stoked to share the latest news from Ad Magic on the status of our print sample with you.

"Sample should be arriving at my office for review on Tuesday, which means you'll have it on Wednesday!"

Did somebody say unboxing? Of a real thing?!
Did somebody say unboxing? Of a real thing?!

It is going to be wild to finally see a tangible copy of this game after everything we've all been through, and I want to capture this experience for each of you. I'm not sure of logistics just yet, but I am going to find a way to capture and share the unboxing of your game sample. I just...need to figure out how best to do that. 

In the Meantime

Ben and I wanted to provide you with a preview of some of the final card assets and layouts.  So prepare yourself for some images. Apologies in advance if some of these files are huge - I'm really tryin over here. 

Let me introduce to you, the Minions of Wrath!

Here are a few of the Minion Encounter cards.

And some unwanted puns. 

What do you get when an Ember Dragon sneezes? Out of the way!
What do you get when an Ember Dragon sneezes? Out of the way!
Did you hear about the harpy who could see trouble coming from a mile way? It had an eagle eye.
Did you hear about the harpy who could see trouble coming from a mile way? It had an eagle eye.
Minion Encounter Card Backs
Minion Encounter Card Backs
This is one of the four battle boards that surround the Minion of Wrath during combat
This is one of the four battle boards that surround the Minion of Wrath during combat

But wait, there's more!

*Inset unwanted token pun here*
*Inset unwanted token pun here*

I do apologize for the giant files ahead. I've tried to resize the images several times over and I've crashed my computer and/or kickstarter just as much!

Really fighting the urge on my puns...
Really fighting the urge on my puns...
Card Back for the Players Decks
Card Back for the Players Decks

The Next Step

We need to review the print sample of your Wrathborne Champions once it arrives next week. We're checking for proper dimensions on the custom plastic insert that was built for your one box solution, acceptable print boundaries and borders, coloring quality and legibility, and everything in between. 

I will talk with Ben and figure out the best way to share this experience with all of you, so expect to hear from me again within the next week. I'm also taking a few days off from my "real" job to evaluate a proper timeline for all of you on surveys, billing or account updates, and delivery expectations. There are questions that some of you have that I simply don't have the answers to just yet, but please know I hear you and am working on your inquiries. 

Thank you for your time, your support, your patience, and your energy and passion for this project. Ben and I have always tried to make the best decisions during the making of this game, and even though situations did not happen like we (or you) would have liked, we put every effort into ensuring you get the best version of this game. You deserve that and we won't let you down. 

Thank you for being you. 

May the dice roll ever in your favor, 

Angela (and Ben) Stiers, Randover Games